An overview of the uses of propolis for oral health

Babak Gholamine, Enas R. Alwaily, Yasser Fakri Mustafa, Ruqayah Taher Habash, Nasrollah Naghdi, Masumeh Jalalvand, Sepideh Papi, Seyedeh Mahsa Khodaei


Propolis is a gummy agent exploited from bees, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic, wound healing, antidiabetic, and antiviral effects against various injuries and diseases. It also produces antifungal, antitumor and local anesthetic effects. The aim of the review was to review research findings on the role of propolis in oral health. This study was conducted by reviewing published articles on the use of propolis in oral health. To this end, Persian electronic databases such as Google, SID and Magiran as well as English databases such as PubMed and WOS were searched for articles published from 1979 onwards, 140 papers were retrieved, 21 articles were excluded, and 119 articles were included in final review. So far, propolis has been studied for the treatment of surgical wounds, intracanal irrigation, inhibition of the decay process, treatment of periodontitis and dentin hypersensitivity, and potential antifungal and antibacterial activities in the canal with a mostly satisfactory efficacy. Propolis has been reported to improve surgical wounds and produce anti-decay, anti-dentin hypersensitivity and anti-aphthous ulcer properties, and to be useful as a tooth-storing medium after tooth extraction, an intracanal irrigant and a mouthwash. substances highly useful properties of propolis, it can be argued that in the future, the substance will play a substantial role in dental science are necessary to isolate its compounds and identify their beneficial effects.

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