Assessing the Awareness, Perceptions, and Behaviors Regarding the Harmful Effects of Smoking Among Smokers – An Interventional Community-Based Study

Santhi Muttipoll Dharmarajlu, Hamad Ghaleb Dailah, Anuratha MD


Background: Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of premature deaths. Tobacco control remains a top priority, and health warning labels (HWLs) are one of the recommended methods. The goal of health education is to influence their perception of tobacco use, thereby discouraging smokers and would-be-smokers from smoking. This study is aimed at ascertaining the level of awareness, perceptions, and behaviors regarding the harmful effects of smoking among male smokers in Farasan Island, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  

Methods: A pre-experimental group with pre-and post-test design was conducted from January 2022 to March 2022. Totally 200 Participants were selected using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire was prepared using the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) and World Health Organization guidelines.

Results: Of the 199 participants, 91% had a family history of smoking, and 78.4% started smoking between the ages of 22–23. Most participants (48.2%) smoked 2–5 cigarettes per day. The mean knowledge score increased in the pretest from 4.49 (1.787) to post-test 17.5 (1.07), with a mean difference of 6.237. In perception, the maximum score was 55, while the mean score significantly increased from 21.65 (3.21) to 49.78 (2.69) in the post-test. Therefore, the educational intervention successfully improved both knowledge and perceptions of smoking.

Conclusion: Most participants had a family history of smoking and started smoking at a young age. This study highlights the need for increased awareness and education regarding the harmful effects of smoking and the development of strategies for smoking cessation.

Keywords: Awareness; Perception; Behavior; Smoking; Tobacco Control

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