Whole genome sequence of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strain HA9 isolated from conventional Iraqi cheese: First report

Hasanain Qasim Mezaal Al-kaabi, Rahman Laibi Chelab


Background: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum is a renowned probiotic known for its ability to enhance health when ingested in sufficient quantities. While L. plantarum typically exhibits unique characteristics, variations in strains and environments can occur. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct genetic identification of the strain before incorporating it into products or administering it for health benefits.

Methods: After being isolated from classic artisanal milk cheeses, the bacterial DNA extraction kit from GENEAID, Korea, was used, and strain HA9's genomic DNA was isolated. Then, the highly conserved section of ribosomal RNA was amplified with universal primers. The results were confirmed by a blast analysis of the NCBI database. The genome of HA9 was sequenced using the Illumina and PacBio Sequel II technologies (HN00194138; Psomagen/USA). The Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Gene-Finding Algorithm software was applied to forecast coding genes. The Pathosystems Resource Integration Center constructed the L. plantarum genome.

Result: According to the findings, the genome of the L. plantarum HA9 strain has a length of 3,321,986 bp and a GC percentage of 44.40. This assembled genome contained a total of 1,420 coding proteins and 82 contigs, as discovered by the Comprehensive Genome Analysis. The isolate had been submitted to the NCBI and received the HA9 genome sequence (accession ID: JAUTDL000000000.1).

Conclusion Microbes' whole-genome sequencing plays a crucial role in clarifying their probiotic properties and enables accurate identification down to the strain level. The authors argue that further research should be done on probiotics' whole genomes, with a special emphasis on second-generation strains.

Keywords: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum; Probiotics; Whole genome sequencing 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i2.2649


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