Effects of seed coating with (titanium dioxide and selenium) nanoparticles on fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) plant growth and antioxidant activity
Background: The fenugreek plant is a kind of herbaceous plant that resembles a clover. It is extensively used as a spice and condiment, as well as a medicinal plant. Studying the effect of seed coating on fenugreek is an important step to learn about the effects it imprints on plant growth and its antioxidant activity when its seeds are coated by nanoparticles of titanium and selenium.
Methods: To study the effects of seed coating with Nanoparticles of Titanium dioxide at concentrations of (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400) ppm and selenium at concentrations of (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80) ppm on shoot length, number of leaves per plant, carbohydrate %, protein %, and antioxidant activity peroxidase %, single and two way interaction on fenugreek’s growth is taken into account. Treatments are designed as a properly randomized factorial experiment (5×5×3), with three replicates in a totally randomized design.
Results: It was revealed that a single application of the previously mentioned ingredients had a significant impact on fenugreek growth and antioxidant activity, especially at high concentrations.
Conclusions: Plant physiological properties were favorably influenced by seed coating with (Titanium dioxide and Selenium) nanoparticles. Based on the results of TiO2 NPs’ effect on seed germination and early seedling growth, it is possible that NPs aided in seed water absorption, increased seed ability to absorb and utilize efficiently, and activated and promoted hydrolytic enzymes in the seed antioxidant system.
Keywords: Titanium dioxide; Selenium; Nanoparticles; Antioxidant activity; Fenugreek
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i4.2776
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