Hemoglobin adducts in paint industry workers: An electrophoretic analysis

Sumera Qureshi, Sikander Ali Memon, Allah Bux Ghanghro, Muhammad Faisal Qureshi, Moina Akhtar Mughal, Tahira Qureshi


Background: Hemoglobin (Hb) has a significant role among other blood proteins vital for carrying nutrients to blood cells. Being a conjugated protein, Hb is prone to be captured by compounds of low molecular weight like organic acid anhydrides (OAAs) which are prominent industrial/occupational hazards. Hindered or lowered availability of Hb to blood cells can cause anemia, thalassemia and porphyria. Along with these disorders, workers exposed to OAAs can also acquire like type-I allergy, type-IV allergy, skin problems, rhinitis and asthma. Revelation of Hb-OAAs compounds prior to appearance of actual symptoms could be important for subsequent therapy.

Methods: The Hb separation was achieved successfully by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis on 10-15% gels of different concentration, stained with CBB-R250 Blue. Total of 66 blood protein samples were used for the comparative study of exposed workers of paint industry workers with control (normal) group to detect proteins, which might serve as marker for the early disease diagnosis.

Results: The better Hb separation resolution was achieved on 12% gel as shown in electrograms. The electrograms of paint workers exposed to OAAs showed bands at 12, 48, 66, 78, 128 and 132 KDa in most of cases. In normal cases the bands were found at 13, 30, 48, 67, 76, 125 and 155 KDa in majority of control samples for Hb electrophoresis.

Conclusion: This study supports the association between Hb and OAAs adducts among the exposed paint workers from hypersensitive effects like fever (rhinitis) leading to asthma, skin allergies and major clinical effects.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v1i4.49


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