Yield potential study of Capsicum annuum L. under the application of PGPR

Muhammad Tariq, Qurban Ali, Anwar Khan, Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Bushra Rashid, Muhammad Sarwar Rahi, Arfan Ali, Idrees Ahmad Nasir, Tayyab Husnain


Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) play an important role in the healthy growth and yield improvement of different crops. The use of PGPR includes various groups of bacteria that live freely in the soil and has ability to enhance the growth of various crops through diverse mechanisms. This study was conducted to evaluate the yield enhancing effect of PGPR on Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum). This study was conducted in the experimental fields of FMC United (Pvt) Limited at Sahiwal, Pakistan during the winter under controlled tunnel in the cropping season 2013-14. The various formulations of PGPR (Klebsiella sp. + Burkholderia sp. + Panibacillus sp. + Bacillus sp.) was applied after every 20-30days interval in the field of Bell Pepper to study their effects on per acre yield. Data was recorded and statistically analyzed to evaluate effects of PGPR on bell pepper yield. Results showed consistent per acre yield increase with the increase of PGPR formulations. Significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations were also found between yield per treatment and yield per acre. Higher yield per treatment and yield per acre was recorded at 6-litre/acre application of PGPR formulation. It was concluded that use of PGPR could be helpful to improve the health of crop with increased yield of this important vegetable. It is proposed that further evaluation at multiple locations and compositions will help to chalk out a comprehensive application protocol of PGPR bacteria on vegetable as well as field crops.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v1i4.84


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