In vitro step up NaCl treatment method as inducer of salinity tolerance in Basmati rice varieties

Naveeda Batool, Humera Afrasiab


Background: It has been recorded that salt negatively impacts rice crop's seedling and reproductive stages. Globally, soil salinity is 2nd most important abiotic factor, profoundly impacting rice productivity. The purpose of current research is to persuade tolerance for salinity in salt sensitive varieties of Basmati rice [Basmati-385 (Bas-385), Super Basmati (Sup-Bas) and Basmati-2000 (Bas-2000)] by use of in vitro step-up NaCl treatment method.

Methods: The in vitro step up NaCl treatment method was used to produce salt-tolerant calli from salt-sensitive Basmati rice varieties. The regeneration of these salt-tolerant calli in a salt-free medium led to the M1 generation. Subsequently, M2 and M3 generations were cultivated and garnered under salt stress conditions.

Results: The highest callus induction percentage was achieved for all Basmati rice varieties by using MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D. These calli underwent in vitro step up NaCl treatments, with the maximum tolerance level to NaCl being 1.0% across all varieties. Bas-385 and Bas-2000 exhibited regeneration frequencies of 75% and 85% respectively when cultured in MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L NAA, while Sup-Bas displayed a regeneration frequency of 79% in MS medium comprising 3.0 mg/L BAP with 0.5 mg/L NAA. In subsequent Mand Mgenerations, a decline was observed in all selected agronomic and morphological features in all varieties under salinity stress in comparison to parent plants.

Conclusion: This research validates the induction of salt tolerance in salt susceptible varieties of Basmati rice by in vitro step up NaCl treatment technique.

Keywords:  In vitro selectionSalt tolerance; Basmati rice; Step up NaCl treatment; Callogenesis; Plant regeneration 

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