Experimental Use of the Triazavirin Antiviral Medication in Conditions of Group Administration at the Pig-Breeding Unit

Tatiana Ivanovna Reshetnikova, Alexander Sergeyevich Zenkin, Tatyana Georgievna Krylova


Background: The spread of viral and microbial agents is active in Pig-breeding units. Due to illness, animals lose their productivity, which can affect the economy of the enterprise. The purpose of our experiment was to conduct an experimental study of the use of the Triazavirin antiviral medication on piglets in conditions of group administration at the pig-breeding unit and to assess the long-term effects of administering the medication.

Methods: The experiment involved 30 heads of piglets. Upon admission, groups were formed taking into account the condition and age of the animals. Piglets with lesions of the respiratory system and with obvious clinical signs were selected for the experiment. In the first experimental group, experimental piglets received the Triazavirin antiviral medication. In the 2nd (control) group, the experimental animals were not subject to any treatment. In the 3rd experimental group, Tylosin-50 antibacterial medication was used for the treatment of animals. During the experiment, clinical studies and blood tests (biochemical, immunological, hormonal tests) were carried out.

Result: When piglets were given the Triazavirin medication, they demonstrated a stable average daily weight gain and the highest percentage of meat yield. When analyzing the biochemical parameters of animals in the first experimental group, stabilization of several indicators was noted (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, iron, total iron-binding capacity, transferrin saturation coefficient). In the case of Triazavirin administration, there was an increase in the level of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine, a decrease in thyroid-stimulating hormone, and cortisol.

Conclusion: Based on the results of clinical studies, the authors recommend using the Triazavirin medication as part of complex and etiological therapy in the treatment of the respiratory system of pigs affected with diseases of a viral nature.

Keywords: Piglets; Antiviral medication; Average daily growth; Blood test Lipoprotein; Tuberculosis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v8i4.1199


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