Evaluation of the effectiveness of Azolla fern in removing the toxicity of lead and cadmium in water

Wurood Hamzah Muttaleb, Huda Jasim Altameme


Background: Heavy metals are harmful to living organisms and are emitted into the environment from many different sources. Compared to alternative remediation technologies that are either too expensive or impractical, phytoremediation, in which plants are used to remove hazardous toxins from water and soil, is a viable option for use at extremely large field sites. Heavy metals may be removed from the environment by a wide variety of plants. Azolla, a kind of aquatic fern, is one example.

Methods: Different concentrations of heavy elements (5,10, and 25mg/ L) were prepared and treated with the plant in different masses (0.2,0.4, and 0.8 grams)and over time periods of one and two weeks. The concentration of each element was measured before and after the treatment periods using an atomic absorption device.

Results: As evidenced that spring Azolla (green type) was more effective at removing cadmium and lead elements than autumn Azolla (red type), where the spring Azolla recorded higher removal efficiency for Cd , where it was 1.80% under biomass 0.8g, contact time 10 days, and at metal concentration 10mg\L ,while the highest percentage removal for Pb , was 40.02% under biomass 0.4g, contact time 15 day and at metal concentration 5mg\L . Azolla has great potential for removing heavy metals from water resources and can be used in heavy metal phytoremediation initiatives in environmental improvement projects.

Conclusion: This research suggests using the aquatic macrophyte Azolla, especially spring fern, to treat sewage and household wastewater containing Cadmium and Lead.

Keywords: Azolla; Heavy metals; Phytoremediation; Cd; Pb 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i4.2654


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