Veterinary and sanitary assessment of milk quality in black-and-white cows fed with extruded compound feeds in North Kazakhstan

R.A. Zhaxalykov, K.N. Bayazitova, A.I. Polyak, L.N. Kassymbekova, R. Mustafina, M.V. Zabolotnykh


Background: Today, one of the most effective ways to increase the digestibility of nutrients is extrusion processing. Raw materials are exposed to high temperatures and pressure, which leads to qualitative and nutritional transformations. The study aims to identify the effect of extruded compound feeds on cow productivity and the qualitative composition of milk.

Methods: Based on the chemical analysis of milk, the following indicators were studied: fat mass fraction, protein mass fraction, casein, lactose, dry matter, skimmed milk residue, urea, density, titrated acidity, active acidity, and somatic cells. An organoleptic evaluation of milk was carried out according to the following indicators: color, smell, taste, appearance, and consistency. Once a month, a control milking was carried out to account for productivity.

Results: The EG's raw milk had higher casein and lactose content compared to the CG, with EG II showing the highest levels. Additionally, milk from the EG contained more solids, indicating better nutritional and technological properties, with solid content being 3.8-5.7% higher than in the CG.

Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it was found that milk productivity had increased by 10-20%, the fat mass fraction by 7-10%, the protein mass fraction by 5.1-6.5%, the amount of dry matter by 3.8-5.7%, and lactose by 1.1-4.3%.

Keywords: Extruded Compound Feeds; Milk Productivity; Black-And-White Breed; Fat; Protein

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